Czech Foundation, Ivan Dejmal’s Foundation for Nature Protection, Supported Two Projects in Zambia

The period of COVID 19 pandemic temporarily abolished ecotourism in protected landscape areas in Africa. The lack of income from ecotourism means impoverishment of local communities as well as a decrease in the antipoaching activities of the rangers. In particular places, the activities of poachers are on the rise. It will be only after the pandemic is over that one could evaluate its consequences on the population of fauna. We shall hope the pandemic will not last long.

During these hard times, the Ivan Dejmal’s Foundation for Nature Protection supported the anti-poaching units organised by Kasanka Trust in the Kasanka National Park and its surroundings by an amount of USD 3,500. These units monitor trade in endangered species and illegally owned guns. In Kafue National Park, the Foundation supported another project, which will be implemented by Musekese Conservation organisation. The project involves drilling hydrogeological bore hole enabling supply of drinking water to the staff of the campsite, including the NP rangers. The project was supported by the same amount, i.e. USD3,500. This projected is aimed at improvement of the working conditions of employees in this area.

Ivan Dejmal’s Foundation for Nature Protection has already supported the anti-poaching units in Kasanka NP, particularly in 2018. The amount of the support was USD 4,000.

Note: Ivan Dejmal’s Foundation for Nature Protection was established in 1993 as a Foundation for Rescue and Recovery of Jizerske Mountains. Ivan Dejmal (1946 – 2008) was a dissident in the communism era, after the Velvet Revolution he became the Minister of Environment of the Czech Republic.


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