Pro Africa supports ecotourism in Tembe Elephant Park (Kwazulu-Natal)

Pro Africa supports ecotourism in Tembe Elephant Park (Kwazulu-Natal).

Pro Africa sent 35 sets of educational  postcards  (10 per set)   to Tembe Lodge for free as a support of ecotourims in this amazing protected area.

In Northern Zululand, alongside the Mozambique border, there is amazingly large portion  of former huge wilderness. Tembe Elephant Park is comprises of 30,000 hectares of land, which  is still owned by the Tembe tribe community, while Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife manages  its precious bio-diversity.  Minimal impact of commercial development has enabled  rich biodiversity and high amount of endemic flora and fauna species to thrive and remain, in many ways, untouched. The Park hosts the Big Five (lion, leopard, black and white Rhino, buffalo and elephant) plus giraffes and hippos. Under preparation (this has taken quite a while alredy!) is establishment of corridor to Maputa Special Reserva in Mozambique to protect better former large coastal population depleted by civil war and  poaching in  Mozambique.

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