Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) – A Huge Transfrontier Protected Area A Hope for Protection of African Nature Environment or Just a Spot on the Map?

The concept of establishment of  large transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs) in Africa is sometimes out of our European imagination. However, is it relevant in case when African countries are not able to care about their current systems of national parks and reserves? The extraordinary wrong examples have already been shown as part of our news from Selouse Reserve (Tanzania) and National Park Nairobi (Kenya). The program of TFCAs was founded by Southern African Development Community (SADC) to support nature protection and regional development. This program currently involves more than 130 govermental and non-govermental partners.

The largest of all TCAs is Kavango-Zambezi (519,000km2 – an area the size of Spain!), which incorporated national parks and other places with high importance for nature environment in five countries (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). In theory, this project is unique for its international cooperation with a focus of interest on economic and nature protection development. Not mentioning its importance for free migration of African fauna. In reality, the near future will show us what the meaningfulnesss of the implementation of the project will be. The developed rich countries and  multinational corporations should support this project in the framework of development aid. Below you may see the map and descriptive chart of existing (marked in orange color) and proposed ( with memorandum of understanding: marked in blue or  proposals only: violet colors) TCAs.

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