Scientists Claim There Are 4 Different Species of Giraffes

Scientists Claim There Are 4 Different Species of Giraffes

It is little suprising that the genus of giraffe belongs to vulnerable species of mammals and the whole global population only counts approx. 100,000 pieces! According to the last genetic research the genus of giraffe divides into 4 autonomic species (northern, reticulated, Massai and southern giraffe), and in this framework we can find 5 other subspecies. The most threatened species is the northern giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) with a population of 5,200 pieces where West African giraffe (G.c.peralta) is presented in one isolated population in Niger only. A rapid decline in the size of the population over the last three decades concerns the Massai giraffe (from 66,000 to the current count of 32,000) or the Reticulated giraffe (from 37,000 to current 8,700 individuals). A reversed situation, i.e. the increase in population is happening with Southern giraffe. The population of Angolan giraffe (G.g.angolansis), for example, has grown over the period of last 30 years from 5,000 to the current 15,000 (despite its name, this taxon was totally eradicated from Angola).


Massai Giraffe. Arusha NP. Tanzania. Photo F.Pelc


Southern Giraffe (Angolan and South African). iSamangaliso Wetland Park (South Africa) and Kaokoland (Namibia). Photos : F.Pelc

Reticulated Giraffe. Meru NP, Kenya. Photo taken by  F.Pelc


Northern Giraffe. NP Lake Nakuru, Kenya. Photo F.Pelc

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