The Last Chance for Northern White Rhinos

According to some scientists, the autonomic species, the northern white rhinos, is facing an extinction. These rhinos originally occupied the territory of savannah of South Sudan, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Kongo, in thousands of pieces, around 50 years ago. This species was eradicated due to the poaching and habitat destruction. The last surviving two females (originally from Dvur Kralove ZOO, The Czech Republic) are located in Ol Pejeta Reserve in Kenya. After very complicated negotiations between the stakeholders Zoo Dvur Kralove (Czech Republic), Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS-Kenya) , Ol Pejeta Reserve ( Kenya) and Nature Conservation Agency of te Czech Republic  the common approach to artificial reproduction as a last chance of surviving was agreed (the final proposal of agreement was introduced in November 2018). This means that the oocytes from living females will be transferred to meet the frozen sperm in Europe to try to create new young animal. There is a spark of hope for the northern white rhinos to stay with us.

Last male of Northern White Rhiho named Sudan died in march 2018 . Ol Pejete Reserve 2017. Photo Frantisek Pelc

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